Brux - One For You 7"

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Mendeku Diskak

1. Guerra Mental
2. Bullet
3. La Mierda De Siempre
4. No Cierres El Bar

BRUX carries on their trademark Punk/OI!/Rock'n'Roll of catchy-as-fuck tunes filled with simple and basic yet fruitful riffs and memorable sing-a-longs but they've manage to incorporate a deep dark moody touch to their music, flirting with Post-Punk and Death Rock elements, specially with Ivan's guitar work and the bass sound, but without loosing a bit of their aggressive force. Juanma's vocals sound like a pissed off dog with rabies chained inside a cave, far from emotive or mellow, and keeps a perfect balance with the melodies of the guitar leads, the rythm section is unstoppable, with pounding bass-lines and Adri killing it on drums, punishing the hi-hat and making us all dance like maniacs to this 4 enormous tracks.

BRUX hits hard and these 4 tracks are just a proof of that.