Impotentie - Zonder Titel Deze Keer 12"
Impotentie's third release was recorded in New York City by a Belgian, a Canadian and an American. The first one was recorded in a Montréal bedroom during Trump's early presidency. The second one was recorded right before the pandemic. This one, right before the genocide.
The first one wasn't that serious. It was about the news sounding like classic 1980's punk tropes again. The record was yellow, like taking a piss.
The second one was a lot more serious. It was a "Belgian" band questioning the bleakest things about Belgium -- its colonial past, its racism, its unwillingness to change. The record was blood red. It came out right in the midst of what felt like a global uprising. The title of the album was seen used as a slogan during BLM protests in Belgium. It felt like things were finally changing.
This record is black because nothing's changed. Those Leopold II statues are still there, and so is the racism. It's about dealing with the disillusion, the cynicism of realizing the fascists are winning. It questions what's bleak about Belgium on a personal level -- memories of growing up in social housing, the endless downpour, the abuse, wanting to leave. "Without Title This Time", because slogans didn't work, nor did the protests. Accepting how bleak things are while pushing onwards, chanting on the final notes that "we keep going".